Clash of Kings Book Club Davos I – Theon I

By Michael DiMauro on

About Michael DiMauro

Michael founded GeeklyInc with Tim Lanning way back in 2013 when they realized they had two podcasts and needed a place to stick them. Since then, Geekly has grown and taken off in ways Michael could have never imagined.


Welcome aboard the Cast of Thrones pleasure cruise! We will be making brief stops along our Clash of Kings voyage at both the isles of Davos and Theon. Be amazed by the Red God’s strange practices and deep history at the isle of Davos. Also, be warned–the natives of Theon are not very friendly, so stay close to the longship!

Thank you so much for you continued support and kind words! I wish I had the time and energy to make all of you my salt wives. Please keep up the good fight by leaving us reviews on iTunes or telling your pals about our show.

Remember, we have interviews with cast members, several special themed episodes and book discussions for both “Game of Thrones” and “A Dance with Dragons” so check those out if you have not.

The coHosts- Nick BristowMichael ‘Thrifty Nerd’ DiMauroMike DaoTim LanningJennifer Cheek

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