Dreadful Thoughts: Season 2 Ramp Up

By Nika Howard on

About Nika Howard

What do you get when you have a pinch of bishie sparkles, a dash of sass, and a whole lot of Dungeons and Dragons? The monster known as Nika. Jaela on Drunks and Dragons and Editor for board and tabletop games.



Welcome back to Dreadful Thoughts, the fan-run podcast about Showtime’s Penny Dreadful!

The time is nigh, dear listeners!  Welcome to the final off season episode!  Soon the show will return and we shall be relevant once again!  Our party hats (and nothing else) are on and the keys to our carriages are in a very nice bowl in preparation.


In this last episode of the off season, we quickly recap season 1 and discuss our thoughts and dreams for season 2.  We go through all our characters and talk about where they’ve been, where they’re going, and who they’ll be banging.  Ash announces her new theory that’s totally going to fail, while Brad and Steph remain confident they will be triumphant in “Season 2 Theory Bingo.”
Your hosts are Ashleigh Shadowbrook (@ShadowbrookAsh), Brad Brockway (@bsquared_yo), Nika Howard (@nika_howard) and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston).

You can listen to the episode on iTunes or here.

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