Geekly Game Lab – Kingdom Complete Playthrough

By Michael DiMauro on

About Michael DiMauro

Michael founded GeeklyInc with Tim Lanning way back in 2013 when they realized they had two podcasts and needed a place to stick them. Since then, Geekly has grown and taken off in ways Michael could have never imagined.



If you enjoyed our first look at Kingdom, and the 2D, side-scrolling, strategy, rogue-like got as deep into your brain as it did into mine, you may enjoy seeing what it takes to beat it. I have one semi-hilarious false start where I have an issue with a catapult and the back of my head, but after that, it is smooth sailing (except for one weird bug that stalled me out for about five days in-game). This is definitely not the most efficient playthrough you will ever see, but it should give you the tools you need to beat the game yourself.




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