The Discord of Gods 81-90: This Could Be Nice

By JoshuaMacDougall on

Our penultimate episode on Jenn Lyons’ The Discord of Gods / A Chorus of Dragons episode. We talk about new guardians, Relos Var’s point of view, the final battle starts, and Teraeth doing a Kamehameha. Your hosts are Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), Christina Ladd (@christinaladd), and Joshua MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits). You can find us all on Bluesky. …

The Discord of Gods 61-70: 14,000 Years of Therapy

By JoshuaMacDougall on

In these chapters of Jenn Lyon’s The Discord of Gods (61-70), we discuss the return of a former final boss who is now a mini-boss, the opposite of Keanu Reeves, and their quick demise. Always remember: no vengeance, do okay. Your hosts are Joshua MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@christinaladd), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), and you …

Bookling: Blood of the Old Kings

By JoshuaMacDougall on

On this Bookling, we discuss Blood of the Old Kings by Sung-Il Kim, translated by Anton Hur. Multi-eyed dragons, fiery swords, mech-like war machines, and a curmudgeon sorcerer trapped in a mindscape are just some of the details of this great book. Your hosts are Joshua MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@christinaladd), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), …

Bookling: Murderbot Diaries 3 + 4

By JoshuaMacDougall on

On this Bookling, we’re continuing to read Martha Wells’s The Murderbot Diaries with the third and fourth novellas, Rogue Protocol and Exit Strategy. Our little Murderbot is growing up to an approximation of a being with feelings, to its chagrin. Your hosts are Joshua MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@christinaladd), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), and you …