It’s no secret that I am a big fan of Lev AC Rosen’s Evander Mills series. The first two books, Lavender House and The Bell in the Fog were on my favorites lists for the past two years. When I interviewed Rosen last year he spoke about how Lavender House was his Agatha Christie, and …
Lev AC Rosen joins us to talk about his new book (which you should absolutely preorder right now, go do it!) coming out on October 10th: The Bell in the Fog. This is a sequel to last year’s Lavender House which you’ll recall was one of our top books of the year and happy to …
Jólabókaflóðið may look like a pretty stabby word, but it’s actually a delightful compound that literally means “Yule book flood.” It refers to an Icelandic tradition that makes books a traditional gift around the December holidays, and we’re all for instituting it more widely. Here are the books we read that we’re recommending for giving this year, …
Content warning: Lavender House, and therefore this review, discusses characters experiencing suicidal ideation Lavender House by Lev AC Rosen brings the atmosphere and mystery of a classic noir novel into the lives of queer people in the 1950s. Set in San Francisco, the novel follows Evander Mills, who has recently been kicked off the police …