You know when you pick up a book because you think it’ll be a light, fun romp but your expectations aren’t exactly high? That was me, picking this book out of a sale section mostly due to it’s rad cover art. And about ten pages into The Babysitters Coven I had already messaged a group …
We start a rather strange 2-part review of the coming-of-age table tennis anime Ping Pong! Smile is a teen with difficulties expressing and interpreting emotions. Since he was a child he admired his friend Peco, a natural at ping pong. Recently, however, Smile has been even more disconnected, as Peco lets his talent squander. After …
We finish our review of Studio Trigger’s latest hit Kiznaiver! The Kiznaivers begin to develop bonds of trust and friendship despite their reservations, but as the pain-relay system inside of them begins to deepen the natural attraction between the members of the group threatens to tear them all apart. Can these kids learn to keep …
We begin a duo of reviews on Kiznaiver, the surprise hit from Trigger earlier in 2016! Katsuhira is a white-haired anime boy with no emotions, and the inability to feel pain. One day he is kidnapped by a mysterious organisation along with 6 fellow classmates, and the cohort are entered forcibly into the Kiznaiver project. …