Bookling: Gearbreakers

By Steph Kingston on

Welcome to our second Bookling episode, which we actually recorded first because time is weird! This episode we read Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta, a YA novel featuring queer love in a dystopian world of Pacific Rim style mechs. Mech fights and smooches here we come! Your hosts are Josh MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), …

Transformation Sequence #184 – Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (Part 2)

By Vincent on

Sakuta begins dating the ephemeral Mai Sakurajima, but their relationship runs immediately into the trials of Adolescence Syndrome. Sakuta attempts to resolve the psychological issues of the women around him, from a devilish younger student to his brilliant friend Futaba, but the scars on his own heart may be the hardest to heal. Also I …

Transformation Sequence #154 – Kobayashi-san’s Dragon Maid (Part 2)

By Vincent on

It’s time for more gay dragon slice-of-life anime as we continue and conclude our review of Miss Koabayshi’s Dragon Maid. Tohru and Kobayshi deepen their relationship through rivalry, holidays and alcohol, but it’s not all fun and games – when Tohru’s dickhead dad comes to town to break up her relationship, Tohru’s own fears of …

Transformation Sequence #153 – Kobayashi-san’s Dragon Maid (Part 1)

By Vincent on

Kobayashi-san woke up one morning to find that the night before she had accidentally invited an ancient omnipotent dragon to live with her as a maid while black-out drunk. As luck would have it, Tohru is enthusiastic, if a little haphazard, and it’s not long before the two find a comfortable equilibrium in their daily …