A Feast for Crows / A Dance with Dragons Book Club Episode 7

By Nick on

About Nick

Founder and co-host of Cast of Thrones. Say hello on twitter. @rbristow



This week, we catch up with Brian and Pod to see how the small folk are doing, vomit continuously with Sam and Gilly, and see a fabulous sex show with Dany. Our chat quickly devolves into debauchery but its been several years at this point, and would you expect anything less?

Chapters! (spoilers for character names) 

AFFC 13: Brienne III

AFFC 14: Samwell II

ADWD 14: Daenerys III

ADWD 15: Jon IV

AFFC 16: Jaimie II

Consider making a one-time or recurring donation by going here: https://geeklyinc.com/donate The coHosts- Nick Bristow, Michael ‘Thrifty Nerd’ DiMauro, Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek Subscribe and Rate on iTunes or Subscribe directly to the Feed Like us on Facebook


  1. Jennifer, I don’t know if you’ve done the math on this. But Danny was probably conceived after Aerys burned someone alive. And the last person we know of that Aerys burned alive was Rickard Stark, Ned’s Dead Dad. And Dany was born during Robert’s Rebellion directly precipitated Ned’s Dad’s Death. Just one more in the chain of dominos tipped over by Rhaegar kidnapping Lyanna.

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