Campaign 2: Episode 113 – Frog Factions

By David Stewart on

Having found emperor Beau extremely dead and stabbed, our heroes now must face the tough decision of using illegal magic to bring him back. Obviously they should…but, like, he could be really, really weird about the whole thing and it make be annoying and not worth it. The adventure continues with Screech Echo (Mike Bachmann), Selene …

Campaign 2: Episode 112 – Small, Evil Frogs

By Tim Lanning on

After our shopping trip we decided that we had to at least make an appearance at the circus. Especially since folks seemed so happy that we killed that hydra and everyone wanted to congratulate us. Unfortunately, we quickly realized that there were a few folks missing from the festivities… The adventure continues with Screech Echo (Mike …

BONUS EPISODE: GenCon 2024 Day 0

By David Stewart on

Join most of the Gapcast Team as they chat about GenCon 2024, D&D, Manual Transmissions, and other stuff. Recorded in their Hotel Room during GenCon 2024. Let us know if you like this kind of special content and want more! The adventure continues with Screech Echo (Mike Bachmann), Selene Von Esper (Jennifer Cheek), R’Oarc (Nika Howard), T’Chuck …


By David Stewart on

Join us for our fourth special bonus recap episode. In this, we recap Campaign 2 Episodes 90-107! (The first special recap ep is here! The second special recap is here! The third special recap is here!) The adventure continues with Screech Echo (Mike Bachmann), Selene Von Esper (Jennifer Cheek), R’Oarc (Nika Howard), T’Chuck (Tim Lanning), and our Dungeon …