The gang sorted out their stowaway issue so they headed full speed ahead to Calsten to pick up Bucky’s favorite bard – the famous Jett Razor. Things are not perfect and sunny in the port city what with the rumors of an incurable disease floating about. Mostly whispers and gossip surround this mysterious sickness some are calling ‘The Gremp” but King Titus Harper is not taking any chances. Luckily, Nyx and Jaela will have his back in case things need to get dicey. They are tight like that.
Join us in June in Portland for GeeklyCon 2016!!! Tickets are still available at the time of this posting. Orders after 4/1/2016 will not receive any sweet swag, so you should get on that quick!
The adventure continues with Titus Harper (Tim Lanning), Bonanas Foster (Mike Bachmann), Aludra (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editor Steph Kingston (@stephokingston)!
I really hope Bachmann’s character sticks around for the long haul. I can’t keep opening my heart only to have it struck down and smushed…like a 503 year-old monkey…
Great stuff, y’all! Been looking forward to this post as well as next Monday since I had to leave in the middle of recording.
Wow. I almost didn’t make it through ep 160. Took me two tries to get past Bananas Foster. On the up side Jett Razor, at least for the first few min, seems like a great fit and enjoyable character.
If you have to choose between Aludra and Nyx in the coming shenanigans, I am leaning toward Camp Nyx. Baulder seems like a really good dude.
You blab for an hour.
sick magic tattoo burn.
Nikka literally explains the whole outline for future Steve in this episode without even knowing it. Did Bachman and D’Maro actually have Steve planned out this early? Is a character going to ever come back in Banana Foster’s body?