We may have gotten ourselves into a pickle after ransacking Zantac’s emporium. Our personal flavor of justice seems to have angered the elderly shop keeper. Someone had to put a stop to this horrible dog murderer and if that means acquiring some magical items in the process then that is just the universe rewarding our good deed. Hopefully we are not also rewarded with a free trip to jail.
The adventure continues with Tum Darkblade (Tim Lanning), Thom the Dragonborn (Mike Bachmann), Junpei Iori (Steven Strom), Aludra (Jennifer Cheek) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro).
Drunks and Dragons is a weekly podcast using the Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition ruleset. Please let us know what you think!
I love your podcast. It keeps my d&d thirst satiated between my own sessions. This is the first time I wish Thrifty made it harder on the crew. I think at least one of them should have died for such a bold and fruitful move. For instance, maybe there shouldn’t be a potion to cure poison directly adjacent to the poison trapped door, Zantek should have had a surprise round, especially since Tom tripped over an elephant foot, officials should have thrown them in jail and ban them from future entry for murdering a shopkeeper/tax paying citizen, etc.