I hope you are sitting down because I have some interesting news: weird things happen in this episode of Drunks and Dragons. I know, I know, you come here for your hard, gritty and dark fantasy where hard truths are learned by the players through punishing challenges. But, just for this episode take off your gloomy smock and replace it your child like wonder smoking jacket. I will not spoil anything for you, dear readers, but this episodes has one of the best cliffhangers to date for our silly little show. Be sure to let us kn0w you thoughts and feelings through textual comments below!
The adventure continues with Titus Harper (Tim Lanning), Thom the Dragonborn (Mike Bachmann), Aludra (Jennifer Cheek) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro).
Drunks and Dragons is a weekly podcast using the Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition ruleset. Please let us know what you think!
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