Going into the Underdark is usually a bad idea, but you have to make bad and poor choices for your friends sometimes. That is what friendship is all about. While I do feel like 90% of our actions are driven by “my pal needs help, so I guess I will almost get murdered every couple of hours” that other 10% still realizes that making the world a better place is its own reward.
Join us in June in Portland for GeeklyCon 2016!!!
The adventure continues with Titus Harper (Tim Lanning), Jett Razor (Mike Bachmann), Nyx/ Aludra (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editor Steph Kingston (@stephokingston)!
It’s interesting watching the video edition on Youtube (w/its drops) compared to the final version above.
So… Nyx really, really, really reminds me of Detective Rosa Diaz from the first couple seasons of Brooklyn 99.
I haven’t watched past the first couple seasons, but maybe that’s why Nyx succeeded so well on the “Imma Cop” last episode?
Aaaaaaand I just listened to Mailbag 233, and as a result feel super unoriginal. Jennifer Cheek gets all the points for doing a great Beatrix impression.
So I’ll admit this is really late, but I have been on marathon listening mode from ep 1 and just got here.
Trent Reznor (oops Jett Razor) is Odo from Star Trek!!!!
He is a Changeling that turns into goo, and doesn’t know his true shape. I wonder if he sleeps in a bucket?