The Underdark is really bad and, if we are being honest, it sucks. Sure, we met one nice pal, but there is a chance this nice pal is bad? Well not bad, that is just the stress of the Underdark talking, but he is definitely intense. Anyways, more things try to kill us but the murderer of Deephome can’t be much farther away. Probably.
The adventure continues with Titus Harper (Tim Lanning), Jett Razor (Mike Bachmann), Nyx/ Aludra (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editor Steph Kingston (@stephokingston)!
Rose Gold, been a long trip catching up. Gonna miss Steve, as I assume he will be gone soon.
Nika should take her skills for rolling Nat 20’s to Vegas!
My imagination hated the spider fight. Any small spider big enough to feel smacking into you and bouncing off is far too big. D: