Now that Toby’s magical device has the reagents needed to locate this arcane anomaly the gang heads into Glaine, the Jewel of the East. They have no idea what they are looking for exactly, but often times magical monstrosities of this type are not the best at being subtle. I am sure something will pop up or explode. Then we will pounce and prove out valor!
The adventure continues with Jett Razor (Mike Bachmann), Aludra Wyrmsbane (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart(Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editors Steph Kingston (@stephokingston) and David Stewart (@spudcam)!
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Made my first purchase today..bought the drunks and dragons beer mug im glad i had the extra money to make a purchase to help this great podcast
I’m loving how things are getting more personal and choices have consequences rather than exclusively plot driven.
The sound effects that accompanied Jett turning into a cheetah almost destroyed me XD
Illusory Self is basically Bunshin no jutsu, for all you weebs out there.
Those subtle clues! On a rewatch it is nuts to see how many clues are dropped about Jett. Awesome work by Bachman and Thriftycoon!