A mysterious stranger meets up with our daring adventurers as they are trying to figure out this strange airship. Will this be a friend? Will this be a foe? The suspense has rendered my body into a jello like paste. I would be at home at a Nareevian pool party, I am so nervous!
The adventure continues with Steve Melloncamp (Mike Bachmann), Aludra Wyrmsbane (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart (Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editors Steph Kingston (@stephokingston) and David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Podcast art by @bridgitconnell! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles or head on over to the forum.
Make sure you are subscribed to the correct feed – http://feeds.feedburner.com/dndpodcast
I had this happen to me last week. Podcast Addict shows two feeds for Drunks and Dragons. When I switched to the feedburner feed, everything started working again.
Proposed episode title: “Zero Clucks given”.
I was literally yelling at my computer, “That’s not a statue! That’s a guy who was petrified by the cockatrice! You gotta un-petrify him!!”
I appreciate your response Tim, I am sorry to have upset you with my comment. I think that the cast’s time is very valuable and wish that Patreon profits and background merch sales could fully support your endeavors (and meant ‘gratuity’ to mean even possibly full funding of your lives if successfully scaled into the future). I have no data on how many t-shirts you have sold in total through the years or the profit margin you earn per sale and I also was not aware of the current tax issue you guys seem to be facing since many successful enterprises legally incorporate into tax havens thanks to much-used Republican-protected business laws popularizing the Cayman Islands, Lichtenstein, etc. as the “home” of many companies (among many other loopholes available to financial planners).
Penny Arcade sells lots of overpriced t-shirts, in a similar manner to NPR running funding drives to essentially sell overpriced tote-bags to support itself, and in a more direct comparison “The C Team” uses Twitch donor funds to help characters in a way similar to the Hunger Games.
It was my goal at this crossroads with the listener survey to propose alternate funding streams for you guys, in the spirit of Google Chrome newly blocking popup ads from websites and GMail cancelling its e-mail surveillance metrics. I realize that comedians are universally joked about as “angry and broken people” (indeed you still have beef through the past episode about Titus’ sister’s story arc) so you have likely already waved aside my proposals, but as a representative for some portion of ad-hating listeners I thought it was worth a try to bring up such ideas as possibilities. If you guys feel that in-session ads are your best choice good luck with your plugs (ads for your own merch or related subscriber or funding drives would at least touch upon a subject that the listeners are obviously interested in, which is the show and its characters).
Just what is wrong with you? Tim wasn’t complaining about how much money the weren’t making, somebody complained they were getting too much, so they should stop making ads.
What do you want? Keeping them on a leash of low payment? Do you fear that they’re going to produce crap once they get “rich”? Don’t they deserve getting paid for the content they produce, if it is by ads or otherwise?
Won’t you just please rather stop listening than posting insulting comments?
I can see your IP address, idiot.
Curses, foiled again! How did you know it was me, Tim Lanning?
How could you see through my clever ruse, of setting up a second identity as guy in Germany?! It was waterproof! I even set up a tumblr and twitter and everything!
Always surprises me how people can complain about great content that they get for FREE. It’s one thing to pay money up front then get hit with ads. It’s another to watch hundreds of episodes of free content then complain about a 45 second ad. Coming from someone who is reasonable the ads are fine, and are quick and simple enough that I can fast forward through it in seconds.
As for the episode, great stuff as usual! Can’t wait to get to the finally of this arc!
“No, bird! No!” rofl
I was listening to the radio and All Star came on. I immediately stopped what I was doing to go find this episode and skip all around in it to find Steve reading the lyrics.