Episode 219 – My Friend, the Dragon

By Tim Lanning on

About Tim Lanning

Tim founded GeeklyInc with Michael DiMauro way back in 2013 when they realized they had two podcasts and needed a place to stick them. Since then, Geekly has grown and taken off in ways Tim could have never imagined.


When you meet a new friend you just have to establish a baseline level of trust. Trust is so important these days, what with the dreaded Nareevians taking the shape of potential new friends but they are actually trying to siphon off the magical energies from a nice Elven city and overthrow a city that is often times described as a “Jewel of the East.” And, yes, this baseline trust can be the wholesale murder of your enemies, but be sure to keep it within reason. 

The adventure continues with Steve Melloncamp (Mike Bachmann), Aludra Wyrmsbane (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart (Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro).  Don’t forget to follow our editors Steph Kingston (@stephokingston) and David Stewart (@spudcam)!

Podcast art by @IForgetHisName! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles or head on over to the forum.


  1. As a native New Orleanian and Saints fan, calling your group the Atlanta Falcons would be setting them up for failure. You’d be good for the first half of the battle, but get curb stomped the second half.


  2. So sad to he caught up. Think I started in December 2016, been caught up and decided to comment. Trying to space out episodes and failing pretty hard. Dragon / Jayla valley girl sidebar, Alludra, always the voice of reason getting a big smooch at the end,Toby, always doin his homework, and Steve, making me miss Tom every time I hear that sweet sweet voice. Love you guys! Get some funding to play more eps, heck I got about three fiddy in my pocket. Can’t wait til the next ep!!

  3. Good call Nika. In the Jerk Yurt there could have been all kinds of dubiously perpetrated Jett Razor shenanigans. The party f***ed Jett! It’s canon.

  4. Love after six years, the adventuring party named gets determined as– The Atlanta Falcons!

    It’s great when riffs just become a thing, and you go with it!

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