The time has finally come to face the traitorous Jett Razor. I hate that guy so much. Luckily, we looked some pretty powerful items to assist us in this fight. Hopefully Jett doesn’t have similarly powerful items…wait…this is his city. Oh man he is totally going to have like a rocket launcher or something. Well, wish us luck!
The adventure continues with Steve Melloncamp (Mike Bachmann), Aludra Wyrmsbane (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart (Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editors Steph Kingston (@stephokingston) and David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Podcast art by @IForgetHisName! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles or head on over to the forum.
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