Episode 238 – For the Kids

By Tim Lanning on

About Tim Lanning

Tim founded GeeklyInc with Michael DiMauro way back in 2013 when they realized they had two podcasts and needed a place to stick them. Since then, Geekly has grown and taken off in ways Tim could have never imagined.


Having defeated the army of the dead, the gang starts to learn more about this strange, unfortunate town. As things often go, the plight of the town is summed up by one scared girl asking to find her brother. We are heroes. We are the light in the darkness. We will find this child. Probably. Hopefully it doesn’t take to long since the zombies will probably come back the next night. Being a hero sucks. 

The adventure continues with Steve Melloncamp (Mike Bachmann), Rowan Grey(Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart (Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro).  Don’t forget to follow our editors Steph Kingston (@stephokingston) and David Stewart (@spudcam)!

Podcast art by @YourDarlingSon! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles or head on over to the forum.

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  1. This podcast is amazing! I had my perfect baby girl almost three months ago and she is in constant need of my attention. Nothing serious, but god forbid I do anything but hold her, even when she’s asleep 🙂 anyway, because of this I had a lot of quiet time so I decided to start listening and I love it! I’m not nearly caught up just yet(only on ep. 53) but you’re all so goofy and you really lighten up my silence. Adelaide seems to like it too haha

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