Episode 239 – Into the Crypt Yet Again

By Tim Lanning on

About Tim Lanning

Tim founded GeeklyInc with Michael DiMauro way back in 2013 when they realized they had two podcasts and needed a place to stick them. Since then, Geekly has grown and taken off in ways Tim could have never imagined.


The Crypt of Sinu the Red is one of the top 10 places you just don’t go in this world. It may be empty, but various nasties have called that area home over the years so you never really knows what could be in there. Plus, we already know that Denton’s boss went in and hasn’t come out yet, which is probably bad. But, we will go in anyways. We must save this town!

The adventure continues with Steve Melloncamp (Mike Bachmann), Rowan Grey(Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart (Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro).  Don’t forget to follow our editors Steph Kingston (@stephokingston) and David Stewart (@spudcam)!

Podcast art by @Floyd_jpg! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles or head on over to the forum.

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One comment

  1. Thank you all for helping me get through the mundane daily routine. I’m on episode 89 and was so surprised to hear that Michael bachman lived in Peoria and used to work for the same company I do in Peoria. Keep up the good work and Thom keep on being the chaotic dragonborn we know and love.

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