Thom Harper continues his book report with the help of some of his friends. Unfortunately, Jaela got the flu and couldn’t help as much as she wanted. The flu sucks that way.
This is an anime-ass-recap episode! We haven’t done one of these in forever so we wanted to take a stroll down memory lane as well as refresh our memories. Of course, since this is us, we had to come up with an in world justification for the recap which hope you will enjoy.
The adventure continues with Steve Melloncamp (Mike Bachmann), Rowan Grey(Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard), Toby Treacletart (Tim Lanning) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editor David Stewart (@spudcam)!
Podcast art by @emily_aultman! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles or head on over to the forum.
Check out this week’s Blue Apron menu and get $30 off with free shipping at!
Head on over to to get your DSC starter set for just $5! Again, they have butt wipes. You deserve it.
Want to impress your pals with your wine collection and good taste? Well head to for three bottles for just $15!
Jett crawled up the purple worms “ass” and thus was not devoured like the rest of the party. Thom, -2 marks for your worm story. Accuracy counts young man!
Hey now, maybe pointy ears are a dominant trait and his mom was just heterozygous for that. He could’ve gotten the recessive non-pointy ear gene from both Mom (Pp) and Dad (pp).
Dat Lost Boys reference