The Village of Eternal Blight lies deep within the Razortooth mountains. It has existed in evil harmony until a recent event disrupted the inhabitants way of life. Join a group of evil-aligned creatures as they attempt to improve their situation.
This dark adventure is from the GeeklyInc’s 24 hour Charity Stream in April, 2021, benefiting The Trevor Project.
With Mike Bachmann, Jennifer Cheek, Nika Howard, Tim Lanning, and Michael DiMauro (as a player). Dungeon Mastered by David Stewart!
Podcast art by autumnroses! Want the world to see your fan art? Tweet it with #DrunksAndDoodles..
I’m exactly half way caught up starting from the slabs to episode 205 on this excellent podcast. No abridged episodes for me! I totally support killing off Bachmann’s characters as often as possible.