Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 3: High Sparrow

By Michael DiMauro on

About Michael DiMauro

Michael founded GeeklyInc with Tim Lanning way back in 2013 when they realized they had two podcasts and needed a place to stick them. Since then, Geekly has grown and taken off in ways Michael could have never imagined.



We can all agree that King’s Landing could up its morality game. Luckily, the good word of the Seven is being spread around by a plucky new troop of fellas known at the Sparrows, and boy do they enjoy handing out the justice. Whether you enjoy a little buggery or make a few spare stags working as a sexed up version of the Crone, you better watch your ass.

Consider supporting us by going here: Patreon The coHosts- Nick Bristow, Michael ‘Thrifty Nerd’ DiMauro, Tim Lanning, Jennifer Cheek

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  1. Showing up to work and seeing the podcast already uploaded got my Monday off to the best possible start so thank you! 😀 Enjoying this season so far.

    • Yeah, I think you are right. Especially about Arya. I think, after recording, I realized that “oh wait, this scene is slow, but very strange.” and that would of course affect watchers.

      Which is fun to think about, since I can’t edit my words from the past podcasts but people will be saying “You are wrong” for years to come. My legacy.

  2. Im read the SansaFinger scene as him telling her they are gona murderinate the boltons after the marriage and rally the north. Petyr is probably planning and wedding Sansa after boltons are gone giving him contorl over the Vale, the North, and Harrenhal giving him basically control of everything above kings landing. I know what happens in the books and spoiler chaps but im guessing this is Little fingers plan. We have to remember that Petyr is in tight with the tyrells. So I imagin if he gets rid of the Lannisters and Boltons he would be basically the second most powerfull after the tyrells if this plan were to come true

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