Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain comes out in a just a few hours, so I decided to play Ground Zeroes since I somehow never played it when it was fresh. If you also managed to miss Ground Zeroes, well you are in luck because you can just watch me play the whole dang thing! Rejoice!
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is real weird. It is short. It is full of names and references that are incredibly obscure for the casual player. But, it is Metal Gear! You expect some sort of zany things that somehow insinuate that the President of the United States is just a computer or some such. What I am saying is the fact that I did not entirely know what has happening I still had a lot of fun. Sneaking and incapacitating guards is still fun and now I am so pumped for The Phantom Pain.
Part 1!
Part 2!