UPDATE – It is over!
The Witcher series is one of my favourite* fantasy series to come about this decade. It is gritty. It has a grumpy protagonist. The world is alive and based on Slavic folklore! It is great. So when GOG.com and CD Projekt announced that they would host a pre-E3 event live today at 2pm EST my heart a fluttered.
Tune in to watch footage from The Witcher 3, a brand new trailer which should be amazing, then keep watching for some “big” news from GOG.com. It won’t be enough to tide me over till the release date of February 15, but it may help.
You can also watch the stream over at http://thewitcher.com/stream or http://gog.com/stream if things get … dicey.
*Just gotta throw in a “u” because fantasy