In the nation of Estelduin lies a mountainous terrain known as Yennas Peak. Within these perilous mountains, a group of random adventurers find themselves confined and trapped inside cells. The adventurers must quickly make allies of one another if they wish to escape their dangerous predicament. We are pleased to welcome award-winning author Charlie J. Eskew, twitch streamer FujiWater22, and Rod a T&C listener/fan as special guest characters in this exciting episode. Come find out if our adventurers survive the long night in this Side Story Episode of Taverns & Caverns!
Join us as our DM Rhyan (@haphazardDM) tries to kill our beloved characters – Vokkum Sokkum – Charlie Eskew (@CJEskew), Dylzrai Kongimierz (@FujiWater22), and Yug (Rod) while we try to ruin whatever it is he has planned. Please follow us on Twitter @TavernsCaverns and let us know how you feel about the podcast!
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