Pat Edwards (Space Tripping, Let’s Rewatch) returns once again to help us sort through all seven-hundred plot threads that are finally coming together in the epic finale of Age of Apocalyspe. It’s been a long and crazy ride but things actually start to make a bit of sense by the end of this episode. Also, …
Why do I do these synopses? You don’t care. You don’t read this. Everything is a spacedick, there are lizard churches, and this anime sucks. Enjoy. You can also find us on; Vince (@vincekenny), Kym (@kymcattys) and Ben (@benstonick). Edited by Josh Scalf (@jwscalf) of the podcast Sugoi Corp! Drop us an email address with You can listen …
Space douche Gene Starwind and his 11-year-old business partner Jim Hawking run a small jack-of-all-trades business. After the two take a job as bodyguards for space outlaw Hot Ice Hilda, Gene and Jim find themselves the owners of an advanced ship, which they name the “Outlaw Star”. They become caretakers of weird bio-android Melfina, and …