Following an untimely and embarrassing death, Kazuma, a Japanese teenager shut-in NEET, meets a goddess named Aqua, who offers to reincarnate him in a parallel world with MMORPG elements, where he can go on adventures and battle monsters. Despite being offered a superpowered item or ability to use in this new world, Kazuma, following some …
20 years after meddling into the bank heist of a notorious robber named Gasback, Vash the Stampede is heading towards Macca City. Rumors say that the legendary thief might appear there causing an enormous influx of bounty hunters in the area who want to collect the $$300,000,000 prize for his head. You can also fight …
Sakura Minamoto and the undead members of idol group Franchouchou continue to make a name for themselves for the goal of saving Saga. The girls climb the ladder of stardom while resolving their past lives, but the greatest foe comes in the form of Sakura’s own memories, which are slammed back into place with uncomfortable …
In the year 2008, high school girl Sakura Minamoto is abruptly killed in a traffic accident. 10 years later, Sakura, along with five “legendary” girls from various eras of Japan’s history, are brought back as zombies by a man named Kotaro, who seeks to save the Saga prefecture by putting together an all-zombie idol group …
Otonashi’s memories before his untimely death return to him, and, while painful, also make him realise that he has no unfinished business. Taking this as a sign that he has work to do, he forms a partnership with Kanade to quietly fulfill the wishes of the inhabitants of Stupid Dead High School so that they …
Otonashi is a teen boy who has just woken up in the afterlife without his memories. He’s somewhat perturbed to find himself recruited into a group of other dead teens who have all sworn revenge on god for giving them such shitty lives. Before that, however, they must contend with a figure they call “Angel”, …
Mid-level Yakuza Nitta continues to live his very strange life while being the caregiver of the psychic lay-about Hina. We follow Anzu as she learns to adapt to a normal life after having lived the homeless way, Hitomi as she accidentally begins the life of an overworked 24-year-old living in the city despite being 12, …
Better late than never, it’s our Christmas Special! Only two weeks late, but boy we enjoyed revisiting the world of Ezra Keonig and Jayden Smith in this anti-materialist secular winter’s tale. Join Kaz once more as his mecha-butler Charles recounts a tale to him while he’s sick in bed at Christmas. Featuring special gust Josh …
We continue the tale of Takeo Gōda, a teenage monster, and his tiny baking girlfriend Rinko Yamato. Together the young loving couple navigate heart surgeries and pregnancies, wild boars and bush babies, stalkers and competitive pastry chefs. End 2018 with the most luscious of all the lips in the land! You can also fight us …
Takeo Gōda is a tall and muscular student who doesn’t have much luck with women, as every girl he likes ends up falling for his best friend, Makoto Sunakawa, who is charming and good-looking. This all changes when he saves Rinko Yamato, a petite shy girl who, above all other expectations, falls in love with …