Daemons Are a Girl’s Best Friend: Season 2 Episode 5

By Steph Kingston on

This episode was straight fire and actually managed to get us to feel bad for the golden monkey! Now that’s bananas. Daemons Are a Girl’s Best Friend is hosted by Christina Ladd (@OLaddieGirl), Bijaya Shrestha (@Ethnicninja), Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston) and Sarah Tompkins (@herladytompkins) Special thanks to our editor Mitch! Please rate and subscribe on Apple …

Science (Fiction) in Fantasy: Five novels that mix Sorcery and STEM

By Christina Ladd on

For International Women’s Day, here are some badass women of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) who defy the odds in order to pursue their passions and develop their intellects. Whether in fictional worlds or our own, the sciences are no magical haven of rationality: they’re beset with the same sexism, racism, and other social …