We come together to tell you about what we each thought were the five best books we read in 2024. We’ve included a special section for Jenn Lyon’s The Sky on Fire, which was on everyone’s list. This year, we’re not just limiting it to books published in 2024. Plus, a few books we’re anticipating …
In these chapters of Jenn Lyon’s The Discord of Gods (61-70), we discuss the return of a former final boss who is now a mini-boss, the opposite of Keanu Reeves, and their quick demise. Always remember: no vengeance, do okay. Your hosts are Joshua MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@christinaladd), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), and you …
On this Bookling, we discuss Blood of the Old Kings by Sung-Il Kim, translated by Anton Hur. Multi-eyed dragons, fiery swords, mech-like war machines, and a curmudgeon sorcerer trapped in a mindscape are just some of the details of this great book. Your hosts are Joshua MacDougall (@FourofFiveWits), Christina Ladd (@christinaladd), and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston), …
Everybody loves a good mystery. When Serial exploded into the public consciousness this time last year it did more than spark an interest in the intriguing murder case of Hae Min Lee. Serial gave birth to a new wave of podcasts that tell mysterious stories over a number of episodes, often in the style of …