Coming to PS4, PS Vita, Steam, Mac, PC. Reviewed on the PS4 Color Guardians is a 3-D side scrolling ‘runner’ type game developed by Fair Play Labs where you control one of the three main characters as they try to restore peace and color back into the world. Caution: Do not be fooled by it’s …
It is a great time to be a gamer. It seems the tiny stream of new games has surged into a tidal wave of fantastic titles with a variety that everyone can enjoy. Like a top-down, twin stick shooter with pixelated graphics (that’s what this game is). Hotline Miami 2 is looking to scratch your …
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to OlliWood is one of the most addictive games to come out this year. I am having severe trouble writing this review as every time I think about how great it is, I just go back and play it. I usually only get this way with deep RPG’s, but with its precision …
If you have a Vita and didn’t try out the console version of Rayman Origins last fall, I urge you to pick this up. It is pure fun, top to bottom, and really shows off what the Vita can do. If you already played Rayman Origins, there isn’t enough new here to compel a purchase, unless you just want another run-through of the wonderful world of Rayman – and I certainly wouldn’t blame you.