Taverns & Caverns Episode 72: A City of Ruin

By Rhyan on


After almost becoming food for the underwater Yaksha, our party finally finds time to rest for the evening.  However, their time of peace is cut short; for they have another mission that seeks their attention.  They must now travel to the Amiwa Ruins in order to vanquish any Yaksha there.  Will the person they are supposed to meet be as friendly as Omug?  Or will the woman known as Ashina Ruri be one that they fear?  Find out on this episode of T&C!

Join us as our DM Rhyan (HaphazardDM) tries to kill our beloved characters – Stella Bogenheim (Blaze_NBK), Yome (daggertribal), Houta Liu-bei (Robert), and Roroi Royce(Rodimus7901) while we try to ruin whatever it is he has planned.

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