Walmart went ahead and leaked their own Black Friday deals early this year, and they are looking like the deals to beat this year. Some hightlights:
- iPad 2 for $399 with a $75 gift card
- Xbox 360 4GB SkyLanders Giants Bundle for $149
- Sony PS3 Bundle with the Uncharted Dual Pack, and the Infamous Collection for $199
- Skylanders Giants Starter Pack for $38.96
- Nintendo DSi XL Console for $99.96
- Assassin’s Creed III for Xbox 360 $38.96
- Epic Mickey 2 for Wii $24.96
Over 45 games prices at $25. Highlights:
- Borderlands 2
- Dishonored
- XCOM Enemy Unknown
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted
- Medal of Honor Warfighter
- LittleBigPlanet Karting
- NBA 2k13
- FIFA Soccer 13
- Madden NFL 13
- Twisted Metal
Over 30 games prices at $15. Highlights:
- Forza Horizon
- Angry Birds Trilogy
- Borderlands GOTY Edition
- Dance Central 3
- Fable: The Journey
- Lego Batman 2: DC Heroes
- Max Payne 3
- MLB 12: The Show
- Red Dead Redemption GOTY Edition
Over 25 games prices at $10. Highlights:
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
- Batman: Arkham City
- Dead Island
- Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition
- L.A. Noire Complete Collection
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- Saints Row 2
To see all the deals, click here.