Konnichi wa! This is the fourth installment of Geekly’s nerdy coverage of Japanese culture by Michael DiMauro and Carly Shields. After falling in love with the country during a visit in September, 2017, we noticed a lot of other people were contacting us about our experience. In an attempt to help out others on their first trip to Nihon, we’ve put together a 5-part audio series that covers a number of topics from food to nerd attractions.
In the fourth installment, we cover our reason for going to Japan in the first place: Tokyo Game Show! Hundreds of thousands of video gamers go to TGS every year, and we will share our experiences. *Please note: These are our own personal experiences and don’t reflect that of Geekly. We’re just two Japan-loving nerds that want to help others find the fun on their trips!
We’ll be back with part 5 next time where we talk about our favorite nerd adventures!
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