Mizuno Amari has sent reinforcements to support the players and Toraki with reclaiming Miazu . The party must now track down Rassler Payne to stop him from escaping into Moritae’s Maelstrom. Will our party be able to stop him before he escapes? Find out on this episode of T&C! Join us as our DM Rhyan …
The Purifiers and Toraki defeat Brother Faust in an unavoidable battle. However, with Brother Faust’s defeat, it’s only a matter of time until the party is discovered by Rassler’s followers. Will the Purest Fires find a way out of this situation? Find out on this episode of T&C! Join us as our DM Rhyan (HaphazardDM) …
Having discovered more of Rassler’s secrets, the party finds themselves looking to retreat without being discovered. However, during their escape, they come across a familiar face. A particular paladin stands before them, lying in wait. Will he allow them to escape? Find out on this episode of T&C! Join us as our DM Rhyan (HaphazardDM) …
The Purest Fires stumbled across a hidden doorway that allowed them to eavesdrop on Rassler speaking to a mysterious individual by the name of Fire-Bringer. It seems that Rassler’s plans contain much more than the party originally anticipated. What other information will the party come across at the shrine? Find out on this episode of …
The Purest Fires made their way through the dark underpass beneath the shrine. But before they could reach the lower levels of the shrine, they came across something lurking in the darkness… Has the party come across friend or foe? Find out on this episode of T&C! Join us as our DM Rhyan (HaphazardDM) tries …
The Purest Fire meet Toraki at the hidden cove to discuss their next steps in Miazu. However, before they can continue, Toraki wishes to interrogate the acolyte he captured. Will the party gain additional knowledge from the captive or will they have to step deeper into Miazu? Find out on this episode of T&C! Join …
Deciding to help the Tiger Yieki, Toraki, the party find themselves preparing to infiltrate three areas inside of Miazu. The food storage, water supply, and garden are three areas of interest for their investigation. Will the party find what they need? Or will they find themselves getting into more trouble than they can handle? Find …
The party had just finished investigating parts of Miazu, only to find themselves leaving the town to seek out a Yieki by the name of Toraki. However, upon finding him, the party has found themselves having to decide to either help the acolytes of Rasslerism or the Yieki. What choice will the party ultimately make? …
After meeting with Rassler Payne for a second time, the party continues to investigate the town of Miazu. The town seems friendly… a bit too friendly. Has Rassler truly brought peace to Miazu? Or is there perhaps a nefarious plot taking place behind the scenes? Find out on this episode of T&C! Join us as …
The Purifiers have met up with their pal Omug, joining him for a delicious meal before going to meeting with Mizuno Amari. Now that the party has a new mission at hand, they find themselves teleported to a northern town known as Miazu. They are to investigate the rumors revolving around a man by the …