Rust! What is Rust?

By Tim Lanning on

While I still barely understand what Rust is, I have a great time in this video. My understanding is that it captures how strange Rust can be at times. Hope you like it! *Contains 2pac murder* From what I have gathered, little crafting game joke for ya, Rust is a mix of DayZ and Minecraft. …

Next D&D Genre Spanning Story,Tyranny of Dragons, to Launch Later this Summer!

By Tim Lanning on

Wizards of the Coast has announced the next genre spanning, multimedia story line for their Dungeons & Dragons universe and it is all about dragons! Tyranny of Dragons will task the brave adventurers of the Sword Coast with stopping legions of evil aligned dragons from collecting five ancient dragon masks. Why do they want these …

The Walking Dead Season 2 Ep 1 – Part 2

By Tim Lanning on

Clem is thrown into a pretty stressful situation that I was hoping we could avoid in this installment of The Walking Dead. Nope, the game designers didn’t want us to organize various nail polishes or play with Legos with Clem. That would be “boring” and possibly “infringing on copyrights.” Whatever. Things continue to get worse. …