MLB 12 The Show Review – Vita Version

By Michael DiMauro on

If you own a Vita, and are trying to choose between the two, I suggest getting the Vita version over the PS3. It isn’t quite as beautiful, and it only has most of the gameplay modes, but it is so darn close, that the freedom of having it on a handheld easily wins out. Maybe next year when owning a Vita is more common, it will be a harder decision, but for now, go with the Vita version all the way.

SSX Review: The Friend Killer

By Nick on

Snowboarding games, my long lost love, you have finally returned. The past SSX games were great, but with this new iteration, things are brought to a whole new level. The jumps are bigger, the tricks are crazier, and the graphics are gorgeous. This is the kind of game that will ruin your life under the right circumstances.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review: Losing the War Against the Tua-Blah

By Tim Lanning on

Very few games deserve to be trimmed of content as much as Reckoning. The inevitable plot twist only mustered an “Oh neat” out of me after so many hours of mediocre gameplay and story. There is a fun game to be found within Reckoning, but without a guide you would have no idea which quests you should spend your time on. It isn’t that Reckoning is terrible; it is more that it falls short of most of its peers and what goals it sets for itself.

Rayman Origins Vita Review

By Michael DiMauro on

If you have a Vita and didn’t try out the console version of Rayman Origins last fall, I urge you to pick this up. It is pure fun, top to bottom, and really shows off what the Vita can do. If you already played Rayman Origins, there isn’t enough new here to compel a purchase, unless you just want another run-through of the wonderful world of Rayman – and I certainly wouldn’t blame you.

The Darkness II Review – Worth the Wait

By Michael DiMauro on

The Darkness II is brutal, crass and probably not everyone’s cup of tea. It is also gorgeous, smart and a big improvement over the original in terms of game play. The narrative is constructed in a very interesting way that will keep you guessing right up to the end. This game takes what was interesting about the original, and builds upon it while also streamlining the experience.