Episode 17: Graythorn Brutes

By Rhyan on

After finding an abandoned and beat up tavern our players move to follow the tracks that lead them into the Graythorn Forest. After much searching, our players find themselves in a terrible situation with the full moon! With the battle against Edeyar our players are soon awaken to yet another surprise. What could lie waiting …

Episode 16: Into the Barbed Thicket

By Rhyan on

After defeating the powerful land shark, our party continues their adventure north towards the Graythorn Forest. However, before traveling into the forest, Elroy suggests that the party rests at the inn stationed at the entrance for a quick stop. Once arriving at the inn, our party finds that something is amiss… Find out what happens …

Episode 15: Land Shark Surprise!

By Rhyan on

After meeting the halfling, Elroy Halfkins and Rhogar, the Brass Dragonborn, our players quickly head north towards the Graythorn Forest. With a bit of luck and some convincing the party is able to recruit Rhogar temporarily as a guest in their party (despite Nomu’s reluctance)! Together with Elroy and Rhogar, our mighty adventurers charge forth …

Episode 14: Brass Warrior of Bracanna

By Rhyan on

The lovable Cat & Co. decide to continue their adventure by seeking two monsters located near the Graythorn Forest. However, before leaving the capital city, the group finds themselves running into an adventurous Halfling and a fully armored Dragonborn. Are these new characters friend or foe?! Find out on this episode of T&C! Join us …