With the Oakback forces extremely defeated it is time to figure out what this Deephome place is going to look like going forward. There are some tough choices to be made, that is for sure. Plus, tensions, naturally are running really high. Wars can do that. Unfortunately, even once this tricky problem is solved there are more matters that demand the adventurers attention! No rest for the brave and foolish.
The adventure continues with Titus Harper (Tim Lanning), Jett Razor (Mike Bachmann), Aludra (Jennifer Cheek), Jaela (Nika Howard) and your Dungeon Master (Michael DiMauro). Don’t forget to follow our editor Steph Kingston (@stephokingston)!
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First, I want you all to know I absolutely LOVE this podcast! From how well the ‘casters gel with one another (specifically, and literally, Jett Razor), to the fantastic characters and world being created form them!
However, I would like to simply make one comment, Thrifty. And that was you neglected to read my iTunes comment from before. While I can only fathom as to why the reason was (possibly due to my rant about who I absolutely hated Zird as a character and wished Harper crisped his ass after the Frog Polymorph episode), no one knows. You can’t explain that!
So I hope you read at least some of this your next episode, as it would make me the happiest of listeners! I would probably literally squeal IRL. Love all of you! Keep the amazing work up! 🙂