GenCon is labeled as the “best four days in gaming” and with the abundance of boardgames, tabletop, card, and many other types of games, Indianapolis becomes a gamer’s Mecca. This being my second year attending GenCon, I felt that I had a good handle on what was around the convention and with my group, we …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! Last week we took another look at Shadows over Innistrad limited with an in-depth look at the set’s creature sizes and archetypes. This week I’ll be talking about limited again, but with a twist: I’m continuing my series on draft formats from years past, as Modern Flashback Drafts have returned to Magic Online. This …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! Last week we talked about the major mechanics of Shadows over Innistrad, the hot new set on the block. This week we’re talking about sizing and archetypes. As I write, Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad is happening in Madrid, so if you crave more SoI limited action, you could hardly do worse than to watch …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! The latest Magic set, Shadows over Innistrad, officially released last week, so it’s time to talk limited. This week I’ll discuss the set’s major mechanics and themes, with an eye toward general principles for drafting it. Next week I’ll delve into the colors’ strengths and weaknesses, and cover the bases of the format’s …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! Earlier this week I dropped a shorter article about building a Commander deck around Oath of the Gatewatch‘s [mtg_card]General Tazri[/mtg_card]. But I’m back again (tell a friend) with a much longer and more different article, this one about limited, in celebration of this week’s Magic Online flashback draft format: triple Champions of Kamigawa. Few blocks …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! So! How about that Pro Tour, huh? I started out the weekend with a preview for PT Oath of the Gatewatch, and watching coverage was so much fun that I even came back to update my thumbnail guide to Modern after the first day of competition. By the end of the …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! UPDATE (2/5, 11:00 P.M.): Day One of Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch is in the books! If you haven’t already had a chance, check out the official coverage page, which has loads of goodies: videos of feature matches, deck techs, player interviews, and more. Now that we’ve had a chance to see what …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! Oath of the Gatewatch has been out for a week now, and I hope you’ve all had a chance to draft it. Unfortunately, I haven’t—I’ll get my first crack at the cards tonight at Friday Night Magic—but apparently last week’s article on draft archetypes for Oath has been hopping. Check it …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! I hope everyone had a great time at the Oath of the Gatewatch prerelease last weekend! I had a chance to play in the Sunday evening Two-Headed Giant event at Pandemonium in Cambridge, which was a blast (and very successful). More on that in a bit, though. Last week was my customary limited …
Welcome back to Magic Gatherings! This weekend is the Oath of the Gatewatch prerelease, which means it’s time once again for a limited set review. As always, I’ll cover the major set mechanics and talk about what each color has to offer in sealed and in draft. In addition, since Oath is a small set, I’ll talk …