The Merciful Crow was one of my favorite debuts—favorite books, period—of 2019, and I’m overjoyed to find that the conclusion of Fie’s saga, The Faithless Hawk, is as original, emotional, dramatic, and insightful as her introduction. Fie has, against all odds, gotten Prince Jasimir and his bodyguard Tavin to safety. They are protected by an …
’Tis the season for Top Ten lists, but I couldn’t narrow things down that much (let alone do any kind of list for the entire decade), so here are my top 17 books that I read in 2019. Most, but not all, of these books came out this year. They are in no particular order. …
If you only read one book this summer, let it be Margaret Owen’s The Merciful Crow. Actually, if you only read one book this year, let it be The Merciful Crow, too. I’m serious. I’ve read a lot of good books this year, but none have this absolutely magical combination of first-class worldbuilding, stellar characterization, …