The first round of Rebirth comics have hit our shelves well and truly this week, along with a few of the latest from Vertigo and Image. Time to take a look in this comics round up! Survivors Club #9 (Vertigo) Writer: Lauren Beukes and Dale Halvorsen Pencils: Ryan Kelly First Impressions: Bill Sienkiewicz has knocked …
Here we go folks, the latest comics for the week of May 17th! Each week GeeklyInc takes a look at the new releases and weighs them up. First up this week is the end of the New 52’s Green Lantern before DC Rebirth at the end of the month. Green Lantern #52 Writer: Robert Venditti …
Welcome to GeeklyInc.’s comic book roundup for the week of April 20th! Each week we’ll be taking a look at some of the latest releases and giving you our thoughts on them. Keep reading to find out how this week’s comics stacked up: Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #4 (DC Comics) Writer: Tom Taylor Pencils: …