For International Women’s Day, here are some badass women of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) who defy the odds in order to pursue their passions and develop their intellects. Whether in fictional worlds or our own, the sciences are no magical haven of rationality: they’re beset with the same sexism, racism, and other social …
Between publishers and bookstores and authors themselves clamoring for attention—preorder gifts! promotional temporary tattoos! listicles!!!—I sometimes forget to be grateful. It’s especially humbling, therefore, to come across a book that reminds me so powerfully that we are privileged to live in a time when such good writing on such meaningful topics is so readily available. …
The next few months have some promising releases, and I’ve compiled the best of them all in one place. Cruel Prince – January 2: Holly Black never disappoints with her combination of adventure, romance, and true darkness. I anticipate being impressed once again by her take on Faerie, a realm she imbues with deadly tricks …