Possibly one of the biggest fortnights in a while, thanks in no small part to Batman’s first big crossover Night of the Monster Men kicking off. Also rearing its misshapen head is another amazing issue of Clean Room, DC’s second Young Animal series Shade the Changing Girl and The Autumnlands finally makes a welcome return. …
Justice League #52 (DC Comics) Writer: Dan Jurgens Pencils: Tom Grummett First Impressions: The last issue of New-52 Justice League and it doesn’t even have anything to do with the Justice League. Or at least, that’s what I’m expecting. And it’s written by Dan Jurgens, who I don’t like. Alas, first impressions are not good. Here’s …
Welcome to GeeklyInc.’s comic book roundup for the week of April 20th! Each week we’ll be taking a look at some of the latest releases and giving you our thoughts on them. Keep reading to find out how this week’s comics stacked up: Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #4 (DC Comics) Writer: Tom Taylor Pencils: …