Our Patreon campaign is now live! If you can find it in your hearts to contribute to our coffers we will thank you with a little somethin’ – the $5 a month tier gets access to our special new bonus series of episode-by-episode reviews of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! Sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/sequencepod In the mean time, …
A review by Samuel Brady Yesteryear is a tremendous shining example of some of the best that Star Trek can be to people. Whether you’ve seen the episode or not, I want to share with you an exchange Lenord Nimoy, the actor who plays Spok, had with a young viewer through the now out of print …
The last episode of our World of Darkness game is here, and our penultimate off season episode no less! Will Talia and Nigel catch Jack the Ripper? Will Madison ever show up again? All questions will be answered in this, the final episode! Also we talk about teeth a lot. Your hosts are Ashleigh Shadowbrook …
At last, the long-awaited exposition! Chibi-Usa is from the 30th century, and she’s here to get Sailor Moon’s help. With what, you ask? Well, it’s not clear. And she can’t bear to return to the 30th century. Not even to take Sailor moon. And she can’t bear to say any more than that. So…yay exposition? …