When the magical girls discover that the mysterious creature Kyubei has been misleading them, Sayaka develops an existential crisis. The full extent of Homura’s powers and her past spent with Madoka prove to be central pillar of the story… This shit gets real sad, ya’ll.
We’ve recently moved servers thanks to the support of our supporters on Patreon, so you should now have access to every single episode on iTunes, instead of just the most recent 100!
Go find us on social media! We want to hear from you! Follow the official account on Twitter (@sequencepod). You can also find us on; Vince (@vincekenny), Kym (@kymcattys), Ben (@benstonick) and Jennifer (@JenniferCheek). Special guests Josh and Milo can be found @Wunderfitzig_ Or! Drop us an email address with transformationsequence@gmail.com
You can listen to Transformation sequence on Stitcher, too! http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/transformation-sequence