The cooperative game based off Thunderbirds, the 1960’s television show, has gone live on Kickstarter, and was funded in a matter of hours. Now we wait to see how many stretch goals it reaches.
Pledging $54 will get you the base game plus any of the base game upgrades funded from stretch goals. There is also a tier for $99 that will get you the base game plus expansions. We don’t yet know exactly what game components can be upgraded, but we are sure more will become available once the game is funded. One interesting idea is the ability to purchase the Thunderbirds vehicle components separately. Thunderbirds (the show) holds a special place in many hearts. Even if fans can’t purchase the full game they can still receive a piece of their childhood in the form of little plastic ships.
Are you not sure if you want to buy it? The rules for the game are posted and available for download on the Kickstarter page. You can also check out videos from “Rahdo Runs Through” to see Thunderbirds being played. After viewing these videos, I am convinced. The mechanics seems tight and the ability to have five players play cooperatively is a draw for me.