GeeklyInc is proud to announce it will be participating in The Gathering Storm on June 3-4, 2017 . The Gathering Storm is a for fun community tournament between Frogpants,, Convert to Raid, and Lords of the Storm with prizes from each community. The tournament is intended to be a lively competition between several podcast …
The Arkham Horror line of games from Fantasy Flight is constantly growing. The latest game to join the line is Arkham Horror: The Card Game, a living card game. A living card game means that all the expansions and packs released are standardized. With an expansion and new scenario pack already announced, Fantasy Flight seems …
Tara: Last year on our way to GeeklyCon I got kind of obsessed with board game apps. We had a couple of crazy layovers so it really helped to pass the time. Before I had even really met any of the other Geeklyinc contributors I asked the chat if anyone would want to play online …
Tile laying and city building games are common themes in board games. Personally, they are not a genre that gets me excited to play a board game. Quadropolis, from Days of Wonder, is a tile laying, city building game that makes me really excited to play board games. A game of Quadropolis is played over …
I stare at a building, more specifically, a bank building. Three floors, each containing a vault and stairs to the next floor. The unknown is what security measures are on each floor or which room that pesky security guard will peek at next. There is only one way to start this caper though, remove the …
Let’s flashback to March when I speculated about Pandemic Legacy. We got small snippets of information and tried to cobble together as much information as possible and figure this game out. After playing the first seven months of the game the surface has barely been scratched.To avoid spoilers about specific games played, I’ll just be …
The board game market has become saturated with small bluffing games; One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Love Letter, Coup, Kobayakawa, Ca$h and Guns. Bad Beets is a game that deserves to be in your collection, and I would say should even replace many of those listed previously. Fast play, fun theme, and creative bluff calling …
Touting itself as “The Best Four Days In Gaming”, Gen Con in Indianapolis sees its fair share of board game releases. We thought it would be good to give you a preview of the upcoming releases for board games from Gen Con. If you are attending, you should be able to pick these games from …
I never knew I wanted, no needed, to control a gargantuan scorpion in combat until I played Kemet by Matagot games. I promise I will get back to the scorpion thing in a little bit but first let me tell you about the overall game of Kemet. Kemet is a war game set in Egypt …
When I set out to review Arctic Scavengers, I was hesitant. It has been a bone chilling winter where I live and we are just now starting to see the ice and snow melt. The last thing I want to think about is digging through snow in order to find tools or food. However, my …