Firewatch is a special game that had me feeling more in the first twenty minutes than most games do in their entire run. In it you will explore a story of guilt and isolation, subjects not often explored in the video game genre to satisfying ends. Fortunately, I found Firewatch incredible. I would suggest not watching this video in fact. Play the game. It is really great. Turn off that map marker in the settings and get lost in the wilderness.
If you choose to watch I do not blame you. After I finished Firewatch I just wanted to exist within the game some more. Maybe explore more. Chop down some trees. Perhaps even playing through for a second time to see how Delilah reacts to a cold and more than a little mean version of Henry.
Below you will find the first part of my play through of Firewatch. The subsequent episodes will be added to the”Firewatch” playlist as they are ready.
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