Nyx is a member of the Kingsglaive, an elite force entrusted with the magics of King Regis to defend the last city of Lucis, Insomnia, against the insatiable dominance of the Niflheim Empire. When Regis is forced to discuss terms of peace with Niflheim, Nyx discovers a plot that will unravel the lives of every …
Welcome to another Geekly Game Lab! It’s the future. And the future is dark. Tim and Jennifer step into the chain smokin’, hard-wearing shoes of Daniel Lazarski. What secrets does this hell-scape dystopia hold? Where is Daniel’s son? And whats with all these pills? If you’d like to see these live, follow us at http://www.twitch.tv/geeklyinc …
The Penny Arcade Expo is, by design, a grind. Noise and sound and free things and kids and adults and cosplay and super-bad-for-you food. After two days, you feel it in your legs. After three days, your back. After four days, your soul. But if you wait in just the right lines and chug just …
One of the most unexpectedly enjoyable elements of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the cooking system. Link, during his journeys through Hyrule, can collect all manner of ingredients that he can combine over a cookfire. The results are innumerable meals and potions that can restore health, restore stamina or grant all sorts …
Annapurna Interactive is responsible for publishing what may well be one of the most visually beautiful and emotionally stirring video games of the last decade in What Remains of Edith Finch. They’re also the publisher for Gorogoa, a visually beautiful and emotionally stirring grid-based puzzle game. And they’re preparing to publish Kentucky Route Zero, a …
Welcome to another Geekly Game Lab! Tim and Jennifer dive head first into the strangeness that is Year Walk. What spookiness awaits the dynamic duo? If you’d like to see these live, follow us at http://www.twitch.tv/geeklyinc Or, check out more great Geekly content at https://geeklyinc.com Video editing by Kieran Bennett, find him on twitter, @mrk_bennett
Welcome to another Geekly Game Lab! The chumps at the Boston Transport Department have screwed it up again! Luckily, Tim’s cracking open a copy of Cities Skylines with the new Mass transport DLC to show them how its done. If you’d like to see these live, follow us at http://www.twitch.tv/geeklyinc Or, check out more great …
GeeklyInc is proud to announce it will be participating in The Gathering Storm on June 3-4, 2017 . The Gathering Storm is a for fun community tournament between Frogpants, Amove.tv, Convert to Raid, and Lords of the Storm with prizes from each community. The tournament is intended to be a lively competition between several podcast …
In development since 2013, Circles is the brainchild of Jeroen Wimmers whose previous title, Westerado: Double Barrelled from Adult Swim Games, is a far cry from the meditative play-style of Circles. Circles is aptly named and involves only one element. You guessed it, circles. With no instructions, text based elements, or scoreboard, Circles drops you into a flat, …
Firewatch is a special game that had me feeling more in the first twenty minutes than most games do in their entire run. In it you will explore a story of guilt and isolation, subjects not often explored in the video game genre to satisfying ends. Fortunately, I found Firewatch incredible. I would suggest …